The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.
Prof. Pic. Proj.
Little Red Riding Hood.
Slagsmålsklubben - Sponsored by destiny from Tomas Nilsson on Vimeo.
Blue Team
The Pickled Czar
Goldie Locks.
Good Morning Mr Jenkins from Marty Stalker on Vimeo.
Forget Plasma, Forget LCD
Curious Displays from Julia Tsao on Vimeo.
Prof. Pic.
RJD2, Let There Be Horns
Yesterday's Diet
View Counter
Blogger Demographic
Conjugations of Bro
Broseph Stalin
Brotato Chip
Brostein Shake
Colorful 'Cuz I Feel Dull.
Vanishing Point from Bonsajo on Vimeo.
Dopest Apartment
After reading this, who doesn't want to live in an apartment?!
ZOMG THE LOCATION IS THE SHIT. You can WALK to Washington Avenue from here. So you can get your drink on and do some mackin playa. 10 mins from UH and Rice cause we all about higher education up in here. You could hit Memorial Parkway with a ROCK. But don't. We keep it civilized.
We got carpet up in this hoe too. They wanted to come put in hard wood floors. But I was like FUCK THAT. I don't want my feet to be cold when I get out of bed at night. Carpet. So soft. Transcends the walking barefoot experience.
Man the room... You can put your bed and furniture UP IN HERE!!!! So you can sleep, chill, even EAT. You got a private bedroom! We ain't bunk bedding out this motherfucker.
AWWW SHIT! YOUR OWN PRIVATE BATHROOM!!!! WTF!?!?!? YUH! You can shower and take a shit w/o anyone being up in your business!!! I'm not bullshittin either... I'm talking HOT WATER IN THE SHOWER.
We got ELECTRICITY. POWER ALL YOUR APPLIANCES. Play my XBox360 because I never do. No need for candles or firewood, because I got LIGHTS and HEAT.
-this pad has doors so people don't come up in yo space son
-this place has windows so you can see outside and shit. WHATSUP NEIGHBORS!
-tennis courts, 2 pools, parking garage, a park in the back, brand new gym so you can get swoll. Sand volleyball court WHAT!
2: The droghte of march hath perced to the roote,
3: And bathed every veyne in swich licour
4: Of which vertu engendred is the flour;
5: Whan zephirus eek with his sweete breeth
6: Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
7: Tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
8: Hath in the ram his halve cours yronne,
9: And smale foweles maken melodye,
10: That slepen al the nyght with open ye
11: (so priketh hem nature in hir corages);
12: Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,
13: And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,
14: To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
15: And specially from every shires ende
16: Of engelond to caunterbury they wende,
17: The hooly blisful martir for to seke,
18: That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.
Due Today
Before my pen has glean'd my teeming brain,
Before high piled books, in charact'ry,
Hold like rich garners the full-ripen'd grain;
When I behold, upon the night's starr'd face,
Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
Their shadows, with the magic hand of chance;
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour!
That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the faery power
Of unreflecting love;—then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and think,
Till Love and Fame to nothingness do sink.
Mt. Roraima

SURFACE TRAILER from Silo1 on Vimeo.
Brett Mathes
I'm the pheasant plucker's mate.
I am only plucking pheasants
Cos the pheasant plucker's running late.
I am not a pheasant plucker,
I'm a pheasant plucker's son.
I am only plucking pheasants
Till the pheasant plucker comes.
I am a mother pheasant plucker,
I pluck mother pheasants.
I am the best mother pheasant plucker,
That ever plucked a mother pheasant!
Pass The Time
Start of Sailing Season
I'm back on the water,
its wet, windy and wild but its wonderful,
just wonderful to be back on the water.
Class Notes
Kaleb's Bag
Mass Texting
DJ Farce

A Good Day

My Teachers
like a greek god,
with grey hair and glasses.
Not with infatuation,
but with imagination, fascination.
What caused this god to humanize,
and why my science class?
And Wiser,
wiser than a fox,
a professor in sheep's clothing,
being a fleece and jeans that is.
There's Mathes:
a teacher of sorts,
and that is, more of giggles and snorts
than of poetry and classical shorts.
And for a man named Potts,
he stops at Spam and Shasta.
If you know this man you know no words suffice,
no poetic piece could ever paint this man right.
As for Lawton,
well he's a funny character,
not really.
And Lauren, long-last-name,
plays the shame game with kenny
who plays the penis game with jared,
who sits on the other side of me from oh-so-lame.
Tucker's cool,
a little too kind
to the bunch of hooligans,
especially Ian and I,
but they're no girls in the class,
so we don't mind.
And this is my day,
my eight to five.
Innocence & Perspective
Blind Spot from Cécile Dubois-Herry on Vimeo.
Science Homework
"Counting (or calculating) the number of atoms in 28.0855 g of silicon is one way of determining the Avogadro constant, NA, and a way which is currently receiving a lot of attention (see below) although, as of the 2006 CODATA values of the physical constants, it is not the most accurate. It is only a method of determining NA because it is known by other means that 28.0855 g of silicon is equivalent to one mole. Those other means are:
- the very accurate determination of the ratios of the masses of each of the three silicon nuclides to the mass of an atom of carbon-12, in such a way that it is known that a silicon-28 atom is [27.976 926 5327(20)/12] times as massive as a carbon-12 atom;
- the determination of the isotopic abundance of silicon in the samples used to make the measurements, allowing the calculation of the atomic weight of silicon in each individual sample;
- the definition of 12 g of carbon-12 atoms to be equivalent to one mole."
High Fashion

Spread of Cancer Discovered
Please Hold in The Light
AC Results
Overly Subjective
Ultimate Ski Car

Nissan and Black Crows have teamed up to create a special edition Nissan Cube. The Cube comes in only Red or Blue, with the Black Crows logo on the door, and a pair of complimentary skis.
which is to say remember,
because to remember is so much more a worthy effort:
that for every action there is a reaction,
there is a positive to counteract the world's negatives,
that where hate resides, perhaps love may soon return."
- May 7th, 2009
Fashion Scouts

Scratch Lower Post

Technical Difficulties
P.S. I am rather undecided on this whole global warming thing, but I do want to draw attention to the fact that Fox News was attempting to mock the theory by taking a picture of An Inconvenient Truth in the east coast snow storm. So ummm, yeah...
What happens to memories we don’t remember, and to photos that we wanted to take? Where do broken hearts reside? Where do spoken words go to hide from the thoughts they once accompanied? Where do those fleeting thoughts go to lie and wait for the next epiphany?
-Jan. 17th, 2010
Sleeping Beauty
A Man's Dream
My Today:
Does Not Go To Prove The Truth Of The Matter Asserted.
(a) Notice. In a slip-and-fall tort case, a witness testifies that the week before plaintiff's accident, Mary told the defendant that his parking lot was slippery. The primary relevance of the evidence is to show that the defendant had notice of the dangerous condition, not to prove that the lot was slippery a week before the accident.
(b) State of mind of listener. The defendant is charged with knowing use of stolen credit card. He testifies that a friend told him "This is my card and you may use it." The evidence is offered to prove the defendant's state of mind (lack of mens rea), not that the card really belonged to the friend.
(c) State of mind of the speaker. In a will contest, the administrator offers evidence that the decedent said "I hate my youngest son who has become a drug addict." The evidence is offered to show the state of mind of the decedent and explain why he cut the son out of his will, not to prove that the son is really a drug addict.
(d) The statement motivates conduct. In a tort case, the defendant testifies that he was speeding because he had gotten a telephone call from the hospital informing him that his son was in the emergency room. Note that accusatory statements made by witnesses to the police ("the defendant did it") offered to show why the police investigated the defendant are non-hearsay only if there is some genuine issue concerning why the police investigated him.
(e) The statement motivates another statement. In conversations between two people when we are interested in what one of them says, the statements by the other are not offered for their truth but to give meaning to the primary person's remarks. For example, in a police interrogation, when the Detective says "We know you drove the getaway car," it is not being offered to prove the defendant did the crime, but to explain why the defendant said "Yeah I was driving. What kind of deal can I get."
Galactic Concert

The Hottest Olympian

The Olympics
Life Just Is:
Life is a collection of moments,
flabbergasted to be in each other’s presence.
The mistake is to believe that because then happened,
now is not.
A continuum of actions and predestined reactions,
create the world in which we live.
The mistake is to believe that because these laws control our physical actions,
that our free will is therefore restricted.
Evolution has taken its path and has created,
but what we create with what has been given,
that is life.
To breathe, to maintain a steady pattern,
to continually maintain the equilibrium between mind and body:
one’s shell, and one’s soul.
To accept one’s world and life so completely,
the affirmation of one’s life,
so unqualified and reckless,
that it amounts to total denial of every restriction and limitation.
Do not allow yourself to be swept along,
we are all co-authors of this magical exuberance,
and, as the pattern becomes more intricate,
to join the ride is no longer sufficient.
The ride does not require explanation,
and occupancy isn’t the key:
Life is once more, and once again, and forever,
the key is simply to remain in a constant state of departure,
while always arriving.
- June 3, 2009
Mock Trial Retreat
Charles Darwin's Birthday
Caedmon’s “Hymn”: Northumbrian Version
Nu scylun hergan hefeanricaes uard,
Now shall [we] praise [the] heavenly kingdom’s guardian
metudæs maecti end his modgidanc,
[the] Creator’s ability and his wisdom
uerc uuldurfadur sue he uundra gihuaes,
work [of the] glorious Father so he wonder each
eci dryctin or astelidæ.
eternal Lord origins created
He aerist scop aelda barnum
He first created [the] earth [for] the children
heben til hrofe haleg scepen;
heaven as a roof holy Creator
tha middungeard moncynnæs uard
then the earth mankind’s guardian
eci dryctin, æfter tiadæ
eternal Lord afterwards created
firum foldu, frea allmectig.
for men [as an] earth Lord almighty.
Wicked Chill Vids, 'Cause I Won't Be.
Wizard Smoke from Salazar on Vimeo.
VIDEOGIOCO by Donato Sansone from Enrico Ascoli - Sound Design on Vimeo.
Because Homework Sucks:
I Want It!
Snow = No Global Warming. Night = Destroyed Sun.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
We're Off to See the Blizzard | |||| | ||||
America's Cup


No Classes Tomorrow.
Nocturne from Vincent Laforet on Vimeo.