So here's the deal: my camera is out of commission for the next three weeks. Apparently I roasted the circuit-board, which according to the man at the camera shop, never happens, so they have to order a specialized part and rewire my camera. Three weeks. A few hundred. I would act suave and say no big, but its pretty big. My love, my life, was that camera. To make matters worse, it occurred at the worst possible time. I just got back from a fantastic sailing trip with friends and school in the San Juans, and there were well over a hundred times where I though 'If only I had my camera'. So now I'm headed to Philly for the first time in decades, and back to George School, and back to the people I love, and springtime in Philly, everything's in bloom, and I won't have my camera. I won't have my camera. So, this blog will be quiet for the following two weeks. In the meantime, I recommend you check out my 'followed' and 'friends' blog lists on the right side.